Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Analysis and Critique of Literature Review Article
Analysis and Critique of Literature Review - Article Example The effectiveness of the process of decision making is highly important for the overall performance of an organization therefore it is of utmost importance to evaluate the factors that influence the effectiveness of the process of decision making. Theoretical Foundation From the outlook of the article, theoretical foundation is clearly apparent. It can be said that the article is based on the concepts of organizational behavior as set by the pioneers on the subject such as Porter and Mintzberg. The author quotes the theories presented by such pioneers throughout the article. According to the author, the decision making process can be classified into three major types which are; fluid, constricted and sporadic, and the author bases this conclusion on a research conducted in 1986 in which 150 decision making processes in British organizations were examined. The author further provides references to a number of other research works conducted by different authors who classify decision ma king processes in accordance with their researches. Relevance of Literature to the Research Question The literature used in this article was mostly the theoretical foundations of the research question under consideration and references to other research works conducted related to the research question. The author has included references to numerous authors who have presented their work on any aspect of the strategic decision making. ... The efficient use of literature increases the concreteness of the content of the article. Therefore it can be inferred that the literature used in this article is relevant to the research question. Synthesis of Literature There is no doubt in the fact that the article provides extensive information regarding the subject and the authenticity of the information provided can be ensured from the references made by the author in this article, however, the length of the article affects the synthesis of the literature. It is not being denied that the facts provided in the article are complete, but in the presence of so many facts and much information, it becomes difficult to ensure the logical sequencing of the information. The synthesis of literature in this article is done quite convincingly by the author but due to the length of the article, it can be said that the article derails from its main theme at times. Instead of keeping the article concise and ensuring conformity with the main t heme, the author provides extensive information regarding the views of other authors on the topic and the research work conducted. It cannot be said that the literature was not synthesized clearly but the synthesis of the literature could have been better had the author given this article the attribute of conciseness. Discussion The article provides a comprehensive insight on the research question and the literature used in the article is highly relevant to the topic as well. The author has made use of a great number of sources and this is the factor that increases the overall credibility of the article. The sources used are for both the main theme of the article and the subproblems identified in the article. The sources used are relevant to both the main
Monday, October 28, 2019
Sociodemographic Health Risks in Australia
Sociodemographic Health Risks in Australia Australians regard the country environment a better and safer option in terms of lifestyle and health then populated areas, such as cities and their surrounding neighborhoods (Humphreys Rolley 1991). Moving to rural areas for a much cleaner atmosphere and away from the congestion of traffic. Nevertheless families or individuals who built life for themselves in rural and remote Australia have many health disadvantages in their path, then civilization in city areas and its regions. This is proven statistically with evidence and research that mobility and mortality rates are much higher than those who live in urban areas due to some extensive diseases that canââ¬â¢t be further examined in rural areas to give a full diagnosis and asses their condition due to shortage of resources and medical equipment (Humphreys et al. 1997) . There are many factors that contribute to rural health disadvantages in different specifications in relation to his/her health. This essay will be looking into the four major factors that include, sociodemographics, health status, health risk factors, costs and use of health services. Sociodemographics refers to the variables within a society and its population in terms of race, gender, socio economic statuses and mainly the populationââ¬â¢s social wellbeing in both rural and remote Australia. Socioeconomic disadvantages and demographics of the area and its population are major and important determinants of health (AIHW, 2012). It is important to realise the main indicators such as age, health statuses, rates of hospitalisation and mortality rates for rural populations of Australia are determined by certain demographics such as sex and population size, this process is essential to clarify different health statistics (AIHW, 1998a). These points are indications in relation to poorer health, adequate nutrition, better housing and having an education with transport (AIHW,1998), to support your travel needs wither health related or not. Privation of either of these necessities will result in dramatically poorer health. Keeping in mind that if sufficient nutrition is not reachable or used it will have an immediate effect on health status. Needs like education have more of an indirect effect on health (AIHW, 1998). For instance having no educational background can result in the lack of knowledge about certain health conditions like cancer, in rural Australia there are insufficient resources to determine and treat breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer which results from individuals smoking and affecting their health not being health conscious which greatly results in higher death rates (Mathers, 1994). The factors that contribute to the health of a population include social, economic, environmental and an array of lifestyle choices (AIHW, 2012). A number of factors are linked with livelihoods in rural Australia that subsequently affect health status. Factors that affect health status of given population in rural Australia include: employment, ethnicity, business grounds in rural areas other factors are from a demographic point of view looking at climate, geography, aging populations and retrieval of information in relation to health and disability (Frager et al, 1997), (AIHW,2012). These factors take different effects within rural and metropolitan Australia and may result in dissimilarities in the prevalence of an array of diseases and mortality rates (AIHW, 1998a). Australiaââ¬â¢s indigenous population are facing poorer health then the overall Australian population. The effect is recognised by numerical categorisation of indigenous people in RRMA sub sections and by use of mort ality data collected and put in Australiaââ¬â¢s institute of health and welfare database of mortality (AIHW, 2013). Mortality rates in capital cities was lower than those in rural and remote zones of Australia (AIHW, 1998a). There are different of health outcomes regularly used as indicators for given health populations (AIHW, 2012). Death rates, hospitalisation and cancer incidence rates are all a set of indicators for health status (AIHW, 1998a).à Health risks are the probable factors that decline the health of people from certain medical conditions or diseases. These comprise of certain factors such as their physical environment, pollutants, and communicable diseases, additionally the social environment plays an important part, family matters and disturbances (AIHW, 2003). These all result in the amplification of different diseases affecting peopleââ¬â¢s health (AIHW, 2013). Behavioral determinants such as inadequate exercise, smoking and reduction of daily activities are linked with increase in disease rates and other medical conditions. Living in rural Australia would be a negative outcome for most when asked simply by being away from health facilities, such as gyms occupying for exercise, doctor surgeries for quick treatment and having less produce stores to buy your five daily fruits and vegââ¬â¢s from for your daily intake. Risk factors are the probable outcomes of disease in people if thereââ¬â¢s a link with th e medical condition and factor. Other risk factors for chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease are very complicated to determine. Generally speaking there is not one specific cause to a diseases occurrence rate, there are several factors that need to be assessed before making any thorough diagnosis. Understanding certain aspects in risk factors both rural, regional and remote Australia is the key fundamental in going forward as a nation helping individuals in need. Costs and the utilization of health services across remote and rural Australia is a topic often brought up in the parliamentary senate of Australian states. The idea behind these parliamentary debates are to enhance and better the performance of Australia as a whole country by mending all those gaps that have been left such as expenditure and utilization of health services across rural and remote Australia. The government of Australia has said a lot and personally havenââ¬â¢t done anything to assist with introducing new health resources and supporting the coasts for medical equipment and building safer roads for rural and remote areas so individuals are less likely prone to an accident, therefore it builds better health measures and reduces mortality rates due to degrading the risk factors associated with it. Expenditure levels, amid regions are certainly related with changes in populationââ¬â¢s growth size and composition (AIHW), (2011). A district or region with a greater pop ulation are highly likely to have immense total health expenditures then places with lower populations. The age structure of a given population in a specific location is a vital factor in health expenditure, (AIHW), (2011). Reason is due to older individuals and youngsters such as infants and toddlers require greater health diagnosis and care. In remote and rural Australia regions usually consist of younger group sectors in populations then older pupils, (AIHW), (2011). Health care facilities such as hospitals which are the main source of receiving health assessments from ED doctors or getting an x-ray for a broken leg. Procedures in hospitals are surgical and non-surgical whilst they require chemotherapy for cancer patients or even specialist checkups on your health condition to prevent it from actually getting worse. The remoteness of hospitals from rural and regional populations in Australia may impact their access to procedures, (AIHW), (2008). Levels of health expenditure are w idely affected by certain sub factors such as the degree of illnesses and diseases, population and government set out policies and grants alongside the price for these goods and services, (AIHW 2004). Inconclusion for the population of remote and rural Australia there are many positive attributes. In comparison to the National Health Survey they have gathered data that indicates Australians, regardless of their geographical region, have knowledge of certain preventative measures for a better health, and understand the requirement for exercise to keep fit physically and mentally, pap smear tests and protection from the sun by using certain moisturisers to help prevent melanoma or other skin cancers conditions (AIHW, 2011). In addition the health of populations in rural and remote zones of Australia is much poorer then individuals who live in metropolitan regions of Australia. In relation to their health conditions such as mortality as a result of injury obtained, certain heart conditions and diseases, homicide and suicide rates. Overall there are substantial health risks associated with living in remote and rural regions of Australia among them are pollution, road safety, available health facilities, and medical equipment with treatments. However there are positives for the populations of rural and remote zones such as having peace, costs are much lesser then urban areas, less crime and a safer environment with distance from noise. Reference list: Humphreys J/ Rolley F (1991). Health and health care in rural Australia. (Original work published 1991). Retrieved from Humphreys JS/Matthews-Cowey S/ Weinand (1997).Factors in accessibility of general practice in rural Australia. Australia: Author. (Original work published 1997). Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (1998). the sixth biennial health report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.Australiaââ¬â¢s health. Retrieved from Abduljawad Raeiq Student Number Health Health Behaviour 130 Essay 17688257
Friday, October 25, 2019
Analysis of My Papas Waltz by Theodore Rothke Essay -- My Papas Walt
Analysis of My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Rothke My Papa's Waltz is by Theodore Rothke it is about a childhood memory written later in his lifetime. Theodore Rothke's dad was an alcoholic drunk. Theodore Rothke went through a period where he was depressed and mentally unstable. Theodore Rothke was fascinated by the nature of the world; many of his poems were about this subject. Some people who read My Papa&'s Waltz come to the conclusion that it is about a drunken abusive father. However, I think when he was writing this he was reminiscing about a good childhood memory from when he was around seven years old. Theodore Rothke?s life was anything but ordinary. Not only alcoholism but also mental breakdowns through out the middle and later part of his life troubled Theodore Rothke. Roth...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Christina Rossetti Essay
â⬠¢ Christina Rossetti was the youngest of four children â⬠¢ Mother- Gabriele Rossetti, an Italian patriot who came to London in 1824. â⬠¢ She had one sister, Maria, and two brothers, Dante Gabriel and William. â⬠¢ Brought up as devout Anglo-Catholics. Christinaââ¬â¢s elder sister Maria eventually became an Anglican nun. â⬠¢ In 1848 she became engaged to James Collinson, a member of her brotherââ¬â¢s Pre-Raphaelite circle. (broke it off when he became a Roman Catholic. â⬠¢ Next she fell in love with Charles Cayley ( she broke it off because of religious differences. â⬠¢ Her brother William said: ââ¬Å"She enquired into his creed and found he was not a Christian.â⬠Rossettiââ¬â¢s definition of Christianity was narrower and more evangelical than most peopleââ¬â¢s. â⬠¢ Like many unmarried middle-class women of that period, Rossetti did not have any paid employment, except for about a year when she and her mother tried to run a day school after failing health and eyesight forced her father to retire in 1853. â⬠¢ Christina Rossettiââ¬â¢s family was very important to her. Although she loved two different men, and it is clear from her poetry that she could express feelings of love and the heartbreak of losing love, she never married or broke away from home. Her brothers and sister were central to her emotions and she was deeply upset by Dante Gabrielââ¬â¢s nervous breakdown in 1872. â⬠¢ He died in 1882; she lived as a recluse at home, concentrating on her religious life. â⬠¢ After a period of ill health Christina Rossetti died of cancer on 29 December 1894. Her Poetry â⬠¢ Poetry inspired by her religion. â⬠¢ Many poems, such as When I am Dead, My Dearest, Remember and Up-Hill, are concerned with the nearness of death and the renunciation of earthly love. â⬠¢ Her love of God is passionately expressed in Long Barren, and her poem In the Bleak Mid- Winter is well known as a Christmas carol. â⬠¢ Also a poet who demonstrates in her work, a love of nature. Another Spring and Spring Quiet show an exactness of observation which her Pre-Raphaelite brothers would have undoubtedly appreciated. â⬠¢ Her poem A Birthday is a rapturous expression of delight in love. â⬠¢ She also shows a malicious appreciation of sisterly jealousies in her poem Two Noble Sisters. â⬠¢ Among her works is Sing-Song, A Nursery Rhyme Book, published in 1872, which contains lyrics for young children. â⬠¢ Many people consider that her best work is Goblin Market (1862), the longest of her poems. Because goblins sound as if they belong in a fairy story, it is often put in collections for young children. However, it is really a short epic poem for adults. â⬠¢ The most obvious quality of the writing is the exactness and sensuousness of her descriptions of the fruit sold by the goblins. Comparisons to Other poets â⬠¢ The nearest comparison in English poetry to this must be the description of the feast in Keatsââ¬â¢ The Eve of St Agnes. The most striking thing about the subject matter is its eeriness. â⬠¢ Some people have seen this poem as an allegory, in which the fruits offered by the goblins stand for the pleasures of the world, though according to Christinaââ¬â¢s brother William she denied that it was anything more than ââ¬Ëa fairy storyââ¬â¢. â⬠¢ However, many modern readers may make a connection with the temptations and effects of narcotic drugs. â⬠¢ This may not be a connection that Rossetti intended, but the description of Laura yielding to temptation and her subsequent illness would have been familiar to such families as the Brontà «s, whose brother Branwell died of an addiction to drink and drugs, and to Coleridge, who suffered from a lifelong addiction to opium.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Class Project on San Diego Police Department
Police Departments of different cities are undergoing a transition. Police department and their operations, hierarchy design, and strategies are becoming increasingly similar to that of other commercial organizations. Police Departments today operate with a sense of direction, a mission that is broken down into objectives and achievable goals that must be met in order to rank the mission of the department as a success. Therefore, it will not be incorrect to compare police departments to business organizations functioning within the society About San Diego Police Department The police department of San Diego is one of the most efficient police departments from across the country. The department is also amongst the pioneers in implementing strategies that have won the country the edge in the fight against crime. These strategies include implementation of an Information Technology infrastructure and programs such as ââ¬ËCommunity Oriented Policingââ¬â¢. The San Diego Police Department has a strength of over two-thousand-six-hundred personnel. This strength consists of officers that are sworn, as well as other that are civilians. These personnel function conjointly towards accomplishing the mission of the police department. These personnel are further divided into eight divisions: Field Operations, Special Operations, Neighborhood Policing, Training and Development, Office of Administration, Personnel Services, Professional Responsibility, and Support Services. All these departments function under the assistant chief, except for the Personnel Services which functions under a civilian personnel director. (Decker, Cordner, Ward, 1999) The department has been a leader in trying new strategies for implementing effective criminal justice routines. The department works closely with the community and encourages the society to participate and coordinate with the fight to make the city free of crime. The ââ¬ËCommunity Oriented Policingââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËProblem Oriented Policingââ¬â¢ are two such programs that bring the community and the department together in the fight against crime. Further, the department has also implemented Information Technology as a strategy for efficient crime reporting and monitoring The aforementioned strategies have yield promising results for the San Diego Police Department. The crime rate has considerably declined in the city and is continues to drop. The crime statistics of the year 1997 show that fewer homicides, murders, violent crimes, property crimes and burglaries have taken place that year as compared to 1978 (Decker, Cordner, Ward, 1999). However, this existing crime rates are still quite high for the United States. The San Diego Police Department has therefore the responsibility to sustain the comparative low crime rates and try to reduce these statistics even further. This cannot be achieved without efficient strategy planning of departmentââ¬â¢s resources. Following is a study and analysis of the San Diego Police Department. The various aspects of the operations of the department are studied, analyzed, and based on these a strategy plan is devised for sustainability in operation of the department. San Diego Police Departmentââ¬â¢s Mission The department envisions cohesion of efforts of various entities in the society, aimed at improving the lives of the inhabitants of San Diego. The collaborative work is one of the most stresses attributes of the police departmentââ¬â¢s mission. This collaboration includes entities such as ââ¬Å"communities, government agencies, private groups and individualsâ⬠(The City of San Diego Web Site, 2002) that share the same vision as the San Diego Police Department, i. e. fighting crime and improving the quality of life in San Diego. The attributes of the mission statement are the values that the San Diego Police Department tends to use to accomplish its mission. These values are representative of the spirit, and are the basis of the policies of the police departmentââ¬â¢s mission. San Diegoââ¬â¢s Web Site (2002) lists some of the core values of their police department, rating protection of human beings as one of the highest priority values. This is significant for any police department as the primary reason for establishment of peace, law and order systems is protection of human life. The value deserves to be at top priority as a lack of value suggests taking for granted the objective of the departmentââ¬â¢s motif for existence. The implementation of ethical policing follows in the list of values. The reason for giving ethics a high importance is crucial for the acceptance of the police department by the people it is established for. There are many issues surrounding execution of duties of the police force and officers, ethics being one of them. It is not fiction but a fact that a police subculture has established itself within the officers which sometimes provides for officers to carry out unethical practices or misuse of authority. The public shows its concern for such unethical practices implemented by law enforcers themselves. Therefore, the implementation of ethics in particular and mention of it that high in the mission statement of the police department is strategically intended to ward off bad attention. Units in the San Diego Police Department The police department has been organized into several different units based on nature of function or crime. This helps organization of resources as well as represents the image of a well-organized/equipped police department. The different units operating in SDPD are: Air Support Unit, Armory ââ¬â SWAT, Background Investigations, Canine Unit, Child Abuse, Communications, Crime Analysis, Criminal Intelligence, Crisis Intervention, Data Systems, Domestic Violence Unit, Elder Abuse, Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO), Field Training Officer Administration (FTO), Financial Crimes, Gang Detail, Harbor Patrol, Homicide, Internal Affairs, Juvenile Administration, Laboratory, Legal Advisors, Metro Arson Strike Team (MAST), Media Relations, Mounted Enforcement Unit, Narcotics, Neighborhood Policing, Permits & Licensing (Vice Administration), Personnel, Psychological Services, Records, Recruitment, Robbery, School Task Force, Sex Crimes, Special Investigations, SWAT/SRT (Special Response Team) and Vice Operations. The City of San Diego Web Site, 2003) Critical Success Factors of San Diegoââ¬â¢s Department of Police The success of the Police Department in accomplishing and maintaining the mission objective in the community can be contributes to various factors. Some of these factors can be outline to be critical for the success of department, without which the SDPD could not have realized their mission objectives. These factors are summed up and briefly outlined here as the critical success factors for SDPD. Well-defined Strategy The reason why San Diego Police Department has been recognized as one of the leading police departments in controlling crime is that the department has well-defined strategic objectives. The objectives are responsible for focusing the resources of the organization in an organized manner, towards attaining the mission objectives of the department. Setting up a well-defined strategy for a criminal justice unit is rather a new concept in criminal justice administration as usually these departments just focus resources in an unpremeditated manner towards the customary objective of reducing crime. However, the strategy of the SDPD is different. The police department has laid down a definition of more than one goal and further strategically channelled their resources towards realizing these goals. An instance of such a strategy is the departmentââ¬â¢s awareness about different approaches towards criminal justice, such as the ââ¬Ëproblem-oriented policingââ¬â¢ strategy or integrating the community in the fight against crime in the neighborhood. Training of Human Resourceà The shift away from the conventional means of operations brings forth the need to train the human resource of any organization to accustom it to the new strategy. Not only would a new strategy introduce new processes for conducting conventional operations, but it may also introduce new tools (such as Information Technology tools, including software and hardware) that are intended to enhance the efficiency of the human resource. San Diego Police Department faced the same circumstances where the introduction of a strategy enticed the need for human resource training. Eventually, the proper and trained use of strategies and tools led to efficient operations and increased productivity of the police department which was unprecedented. Besides the consideration of training with a changing information technology infrastructure, officers at the police department have to undergo extensive training from the police academy before they can start performing their duties in SDPD. A focus of ethical grooming is also maintained during this course of training. This helps realize and implement the value of the San Diego police department to use ethical policing when serving the community. The officers undergo comprehensive training in the police academy which prepares them not only to ââ¬Ëserve and protectââ¬â¢ but to efficiently implement policing according to the strategy that is implemented at SDPD. Use of Information Technology The introduction of Information technology tools is one important development for crediting the success of the mission at SDPD. Conventional policing shows less use of high tech tool for attaining criminal justice objectives, but with the advancement in technology the role information technology tools play has become a crucial success factor of policing. San Diego Police Department has been one police departments that accredits it success to the use of Information technology tools, including software, hardware and processes. The department has segregated the use of Information technology in various units and systems. The New Technology Unit (NTU) is one such unit which is headed by a sergeant and staffed by patrol officers. Each individual involved in the integration of technology in policing is thoroughly trained, committed and knowledgeable about the use of this technology. The information technology infrastructure is used for a range of operations. This includes activities from installation of software of laptop machines to the use of Automated Field Reporting (AFR) devices. (The City of San Diego Web Site, 2003; Decker, Cordner, Ward, 1999) Information Technology helps improve the efficiency of operations of the San Diego Police Department in various ways. For instance, the patrol officers can electronically transfer information from their remote locations to the central information system regarding criminal activity or general reports. Financial Situation Finances are the backbone of the any organization as refining the state of the community comes at a cost which must be met. Finances help any organization buy and employ resources towards a definite objective. Similarly San Diego Police Department has the primary objective of making the city a secure place by protecting them and further improving their quality of life. In order to realize these (and many other) objectives for the mission of the police department, the department needs finances. Once finances have been obtained, which is further required is the proper and efficient management of these finances in order to get the maximum out a limited finances. Budgeting is used by SDPD to plan its finances most effectively. The major part of the budget is used to cover personnel expenses. This shows the worth and its expected reliance on the human resource for the success of the mission of the department. Like any other organization, monetary benefits are used to keep the human resource motivated. When the major portion of the budgeted amount is spent on salaries, the remaining amount is still a hefty lot for the police department to plan investment in information technology and other nfrastructure ââ¬â efforts aimed at improving the efficiency of SDPD. (The City of San Diego Web Site, 2003; Decker, Cordner, Ward, 1999) The primary sources for the finances made available to the San Diego Police Department are five, namely: Property Tax, Sales Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), Motor Vehicle License Fee (MVLF) and Franchise Fee. As the financial resource of SDPD depends on the Cityââ¬â¢s General Fund, they are generally sensitive to political and economic stimuli coming from either local, state or national levels. Organizational Design Strategy The organizational hierarchy is clearly listed at the San Diego Police Department Web Site (2003). The organizational hierarchy shows the structure of the police department and the chain of command can be conveniently analyzed. An analysis of the organizational chart reveals that the department is arranged in a way of a business organization with the Chief of Police as the CEO, and the managers take places lower in the hierarchy. So much so that the organizational chart is also labeled as ââ¬Å"San Diego Police Business Centerâ⬠. The organizational hierarchy is top down, however possesses horizontal attributes, which make communication between individuals working at the same level (horizontal communication) and also across departments. Vertical communication however is not favorable in the top-down hierarchy. Further analysis of the organizational chart of the San Diego Police Department reveals that the department intends to implement a central control over other departments / entities working lower in the hierarchy. This organizational design will be helpful in enforcing strict monitoring and accountability of entities lower in the hierarchy. Such an organizational design, therefore, is used to implement effective programs and reduce the relaxation/room for errors for entities as activities are reported to entities higher up in the hierarchy design. This is one strategy that is used to accomplish the mission of ethical policing at all levels within the department. It is safe to suggest that the organizational design of the San Diego Police Department compliments its ethical policing objective. Strategic Plan for San Diego Police Department The aforementioned analysis has laid the foundation to devise a strategic plan for the San Diego police department for the coming years. The analysis of the departmentââ¬â¢s mission, critical success factors, financial situation and organizational design strategy are the groundwork for a smart strategic plan for the department, which would otherwise not be feasible without these analyses. The following is a suggested strategic plan for the San Diego Police Department including justification for each strategy suggested. Strategic Design for SDPD The analysis of the organizational design reveals a hierarchy with strict and inflexible structure. This organizational design might be appropriate for implementation of ethical policing and complimenting strict measures of control within the department, however the organizational design conflicts with an important aspect within any organization, i. e. communication. The design strategy hinders communications within different departments at different levels of the hierarchy. The design strategy suggests to the community that officers and entities placed lower in the hierarchy will be the interface for dealing with the department, whereas entities higher in the hierarchy depict not much interaction with the public. It is important to mention here the expectancy of the public to have transparent execution of services as it is the publicââ¬â¢s money which is the source for funding the police department. Therefore, what the San Diego Police Department needs is an organizational design that fosters communication with all the entities involved in policing, however one that also implements a strict control for implementing ethical policing without hindrance. This can be implemented with a new, lean organizational design. Contingent Strategy for SDPD As analyzed earlier, the financial strategy of the San Diego Police Department is susceptible to economic and political fluctuations on the local, state or national level. This susceptibility poses a threat to the sustainability of operations of the police department by exhibiting dependence on these factors. The department needs to device a financial management strategy to provide when in difficult times such as those that may not cause disruption of work. This means that an alternative source for generation of funds must be established or sought out by the San Diego Police Department that can cater to the financial needs of the department when other currently implemented sources are not available. Conclusion The San Diego Police Department has implemented quite a few strategies to minimize crime in the city. Nevertheless SDPD must implement further strategic measures for sustainability of its mission of fighting crime.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
impact of music essays
impact of music essays Fifteen people died on April 20th 1999. Two misunderstood teens went to school and killed 12 people and then themselves(Manson). On October 6th, 1998 a man was beaten, robbed and left tied to a fence. He died 6 days later(Boston). Both of these cases are a focus for something that no one would ever think could cause such harm. Music. Both of these have a focus of music and the negative impact that it has on the youth. Music is a way to express your self, an outlet for emotions and personal issues. It is also a place to force ideas and opinions on a mass of thousands. People can relate to it on many different levels. But who should be responsible for the actions it provokes? Should the artist or the parents? What can we as average citizens do? Some say that music should be rated and in some cases banned. One such person would be Tipper Gore. Back in 1985 she was listening to her daughters Prince album Purple Rain. The album contained a song Darling Nikki about a woman who was masturbating with a magazine. The song continued with a sexual tone. She felt this was not proper for her, or any other child to listen to. She and other concerned parents founded the PMRC Parent Music Resource Center. They wanted a standard rating system for all albums to alert parents of the content. Such ratings as V for violence and X for sex related (Holland). Many musicians fought against the PMRC. Artists like Dee Snider (of Twisted Sister) and John Denver fought for the case of artists free speech. The result was not a standard set of ratings but one black and white sticker with the words, Parental Advisory Explicit Content. This was to be on all albums containing content not suitable for minors. The record companies would decide which albu m was to be stickered. Fifteen years later we are still arguing over free speech and what should be available to children and teens. The youth of Am...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Which particular aspects of the film medium are explored in essays
Which particular aspects of the film medium are explored in essays In this essay I plan to point out which particular aspects of the film medium are explored in surrealist film. In doing this task I will need to define surrealism in terms of the cinema and therefore explain exactly which aspects of a surrealist film set it apart from other genres to make it surrealist. In turn I shall also compare surrealist film to other genres of film including that which it is most often compared to, avante-garde cinema. The particular surrealist films I shall be making reference to are Lage DOr (France, 1930, d. Luis Bunuel) and Un Chien Andalou (France, 1928, d. Luis Bunuel) as these are the surrealist films that I am most familiar with. I shall also be exploring surrealist film in terms of narrative, style and content as well as addressing issues such as fantasy, reality and voyeurism in terms of film. The surrealism movement took place during the aftermath of the First World War and started primarily in France. Surrealism was more of a broad range, cultural and social project interested in liberating human society from conscious and logical thinking to create a utopian society, than an art movement. The surrealism movement was in search of a gateway into societys subconscious, the breakdown of rational and logical thinking. Surrealist artwork concentrated on individualism, subjective visions and states of disorientation, nihilism, chaos and irrationality of modernity to break down the societys consciousness. The founders of this movement were quite specific in terms of what they wanted surrealism to be and in fact made a declaration in 1925 called the manifesto of surrealism. The most relevant points of this are as follows Surrealism is not a new means of expression, or an easier one, nor even a metaphysic of poetry. It is a means of total liberation of the mind and of all that resembles it And, We make no claim to change the mores of mankind, but we intend to s...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
5 Reasons You Shouldnt Care About Your Job Title
5 Reasons You Shouldnt Care About Your Job Title We need to work to pay the bills and afford to keep ourselves and our loved ones afloat. Thatââ¬â¢s the bare minimum and the bottom line. But too often people get tangled up in the status of their job title, and it can make them miserable. Here are 5 reasons why you should stop worrying about the name of your job and start enjoying the fact that you have it (and donââ¬â¢t hate it!). 1. Youââ¬â¢re appreciatedWhen you do something well, you ideally are recognized for your achievement and your coworkers and/or boss take the time out to give you a pat on the back. Maybe your employer makes a point of rewarding your success in your annual review, or perhaps you see their gratitude reflected in a bonus or a salary increase?If youââ¬â¢re getting this kind of attention- and praise when you have earned it- thatââ¬â¢s more than many people can say in unsatisfying jobs they hate.2. Youââ¬â¢re not chained to the deskHaving a job with flexibility is like getting a glimpse of the holy grail. If youââ¬â¢ve found a job where you can set your own hours, or work remotely even part of the time, or just swap out when you need to take care of things at home, then you have something worth more than any title: work-life balance. Hold on to it.3. Youââ¬â¢ve got controlMaybe your boss encourages you to grow your career- and, more importantly, gives you the freedom to decide for yourself which opportunities would do that best. If you feel like youââ¬â¢re continually learning something every week you work, then youââ¬â¢re in a pretty good position.4. Youââ¬â¢re an assetYou know youââ¬â¢re good at what you do, but in this case your boss knows it too. She has made- and continues to make- an investment in you. Youââ¬â¢re trusted to face new challenges, given unimpeded access to new training and other learning opportunitiesâ⬠¦ In short, youââ¬â¢re valued.5. You enjoy yourselfDo you actually like coming to work every day? More or less enjoy what y ou do? Have a good working relationship with your coworkers and boss? Maybe you donââ¬â¢t love what you do or do what you love, but that is a rare thing indeed. If you like what you do, youââ¬â¢re halfway there. And that is worth more than any title.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Prepare a report presenting the results of the analysis of recent Statistics Project
Prepare a report presenting the results of the analysis of recent trends in sales, costs and profits of a chosen company - Statistics Project Example The Coca Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world accounting for about 1.3 billion servings of the 50 billion servings consumed each day. There are over 500 nonalcoholic beverage brands consisting of sparkling beverages and still beverages. Sparkling beverages include Coca Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. The still beverages are water, enhanced waters, juices, ready to drink teas and coffees, energy and sports drinks. The company makes huge profits but notable it made loss in 2006 and 2008 financial years as indicated by the consolidated statement of income (CE-AR, 2006 and CE-AR, 2008). The company is however doing the best to correct mistakes that lead to losses witnessed earlier and prevent such eventuality. The sales of these products tend to be seasonal. The second and third quarters normally accounts for higher unit sales than the first and fourth quarters. The second and third quarters accounts for over 60 percent of the annual net operating income. The seasonality of the sales volume affects the results on quarterly basis. The changes in weather patterns, selling times/days and the shifts in holidays influence the results on annual or quarterly basis. (The Coca Cola Company 2006 Annual Report) The emergence of new companies that deal in beverages have presented a case of stiff competition for Coca Cola. Market research becomes an important determinant of attracting customers. The company hires research experts to facilitate such. In order to counter the steps made by their competitors, the company watches over them. The company has several branches across the world. Although the major branches are in the United States, sales volume outside US exceeds them. Given the marketing strategies used in other parts of the world, the products sell a lot (Breneiser & Allen, 2011). The Coca Cola Company operates in socially and environmentally friendly manner. That remains a long-term priority of the company. It is committed to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Plato - The Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Plato - The Republic - Essay Example as a real philosopher named Plato and was somewhat of a contemporary of Plato (Socrates died when Plato was but twenty-five), the ideas accredited to Socrates are generally thought to be Plato originals and Reeve acknowledges as much (Reeve 2004 P xi). So through his own observations of the Republic Reeve puts forth an interesting argument that Plato felt strongly in the goodness of Kallipolis (in Greek the beautiful or noble city) and was very eager to broadcast his ideas through the argument/debate process written in the Republic. In the introduction, Reeve points out that Platoââ¬â¢s main theme in Kallipolis is not the bylaws which govern the city. Instead, the speaker talks of the value of a social structure based entirely on virtue, achieved in ways not the least of which is the education of all people (Reeve 2004 P xix). This includes females, which is not a very favourable idea among his conversationalists. So almost from the first Plato realizes this vision of utopia (a term coined by Sir Thomas Moore almost 1,900 years later) would never actually exist. In the Republic, Book 1 finds Socrates and his companion Glaucon returning from a religious festival only to find themselves literally forced to spend at least the night with a man named Polemarchus, his brothers and his aged father Cephalus. Wiling away the time the men get into a deep philosophical discussion concerning politics and money. As happens with the elderly, Cephalus is happy with the money he has made and expounds that at his age, having virtues (i.e. not cheating or lying) is far more important than the wealth he has accumulated (Reeve 2004 P 5). So the conversation naturally turns to virtue and two subjects brought up are paying oneââ¬â¢s debts and helping a friend with his enemy (your enemy is my enemy). Plato rejects these, not on the basis of not being just ideas, but rather that they are mostly hard to define, for each situation is different (in battle, at sea, etc.) and says he
Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Exam 2 - Essay Example This particular approach is useful to understand due to fact that it has often been referred to as the primal case of the ends justifying the means. This is of course due to the fact that happiness or utility cannot be determined until the action or actions that are intended to evoke such a utility had been performed and can be measured. Many within the field of philosophy have noted that utilitarianism, perhaps more than any other approach, is quantitative and can oftentimes be referred to as reductionist with regards to its approach. This is due to the fact that the ends ââ¬â means approach requires the individual to be completely and entirely cognizant of the fact that utilitarianism, if used as an overarching theory, must necessarily factor in all of the preceding actions and determinants that lead to whatever utilitarianism does in question. The ongoing debate then necessarily hinges upon the degree of inference and emphasis which should be placed upon the consequences of th e determinant actions that yield the end result. Similarly, with regards to John Stuart Millââ¬â¢s quote, ââ¬Å"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a full satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the questions. The other party to the comparison knows both sidesâ⬠, the reader can note the utilitarian concept being utilized with respect to the way in which Mill views the ultimate end. Whereas it is previously been discussed that happiness fulfills the ultimate end of utilitarianism, according to mills quote, the reader can understand that the true end that she seeks to remote is awareness and intellect. Accordingly, he compares and contrasts the utility of being satisfied versus unsatisfied, the utility of being a man or a pig, and lastly the utility and overall importance of opinion. 2 According to Kantââ¬â¢s theory of retributiv ism, this is an approach that society should take with regards to its response to crime. According to Kant, the theory places punishment proportionate to the crime. Although this may not seem as an earth shattering theory, this is only due to the fact that the current criminal justice system seeks to integrate a very large degree of Kantââ¬â¢s theory of retributivism into the way in which crime is currently punished. Ultimately, the theory is predicated upon the understanding of forfeiture. Accordingly, this forfeiture is most commonly understood with regards to the freedom of mobility for life that is sometimes required of the convicted. Furthermore, the reader can and should understand that Kantââ¬â¢s understanding of retributivism bears a direct correlation to the common expression â⬠let the punishment that the crimeâ⬠. In such a way, Kant sought to remove the level of emotional response/knee jerk reaction that is so oftentimes the response to crime and punishment within society. Although it may be tempting to assume that Kant was the first to put forward such a theory, the fact of the matter is is that he was merely the first to define it with an identifiable term. Ultimately, this fear he can be traced all the way back to the biblical interpretation of ââ¬Å"life for life, eye for eyeâ⬠etc. at its very core, this theory of retributivism engenders a degree of proportionality. As such, it is the responsibility of the punishing entity to ensure that the punishment for the crime is proportionate to the offending behavior that precipitated it. Naturally, such
Google Froogle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Google Froogle - Research Paper Example With increased traffic, they put in a 2 level filtering process for weeding our fake faculty profiles. Once any faculty profile was created, the back program would interact with Google with Google APIs and search for clues regarding authenticities of the profile. For example, if a new profile for Carlos Alva has been created claiming this person to be a faculty with Stanford University, then the program would interact with Google through Google API and search for "Carlos Alva Stanford University". In case there are any results, the profile will be allowed to be rated. If there are no results of the above given search, the profile will be flagger for further human review. This twin filtering of profiles created helped weed out fake faculty profiles. (Swapceinski J., April 2002) Databases can be categorized under various kinds based on the architecture, and the types of databases include relational databases, flat file databases, hierarchical databases, network databases and hybrid databases. (Peterson, n.d.) While flat file databases mimic the construction of a table where data is contained in cells (rows and columns), a hierarchical database contains multiple levels connected by nodes. ... A network database is a type of database where each data can have multiple owners. This is unlike relational database where there are no owners and a hierarchical database that has only one owner. Relational databases offer a number of advantages over other databases, namely, reduced redundancy, increased scalability and data integrity. Google uses a range of factors, including hyperlinks by other web pages, to determine the relative importance of a web page. (Annam V., n.d.) A relational database offers better results for Google as hyperlinks have been assigned some importance in Google's algorithm. So, the relative importance of a web page depends on on-site data as well as its relationship with other web-pages (data). A relevant result for a key word search will require "assembly" of information from multiple data sources. List of references: Annam V., (No Date), What are Relational Databases, and Why Should I Care retrieved November 14, 2008, from O'Brien J.M., (March 2004), The Secret R&D Army: How Hackers Give Google Its Wildest Ideas retrieved November 14, 2008, from Peterson, (No Date), Database Concepts, retrieved November 14, 2008, from Swapceinski J., (April 2002), How The Google Web Api Makes My Life Easier, retrieved November 14, 2008, from
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
Operations Management - Essay Example Market segmentation process involves the identification and grouping of similar needs of the market. Segmentation than helps the marketing team in devising better marketing plan for different groups and better satisfying their needs. Derby Castle is a historical monument of UK. The marketing team has the task of inviting attention of more and more people towards the interesting features of this castle so that they feel like visiting this monument again and again. This will help in good revenue generation and will help in the maintenance of this castle. It is highly likely that different set of people come here with different purposes. For example a team of school children would love to play in the sprawling green lawns the whole day while a research scholar will spend his day in studying the architecture and other historical features. Visitors to Derby Castle can be categorized as;â⬠¢Ã Researchers: This segment prefers to learn about the historical facts, architectural features etc. â⬠¢Ã Students: This segment too could be here on a learning mission or may just be here on a picnic tour. But the ââ¬Ëlearningââ¬â¢ needs of students are vastly different from ââ¬Ëresearchââ¬â¢ needs of researchers.â⬠¢Ã Art Lovers: This segment is more interested in the artistic features of Derby castle.â⬠¢Ã Young Couple: Youth desirous of spending some solitary moments in the company of their chosen ones can make use good use of the gardens of the Castle.General tourists happen to be on a sightseeing spree. For them attractive features i.e.
Describe the importance of having a sound business continuity plan Assignment
Describe the importance of having a sound business continuity plan - Assignment Example Key areas that present challenges include commitment and involvement levels of senior management, incorrect assumptions in the stages of designing BCPs, and approaching the execution of BCPs inappropriately (BSI, 2012). The senior management may be too busy in other undertakings and, therefore, delegate their duties and responsibilities. From the organizational perspective, a projectââ¬â¢s visibility is compromised by such delegation. To overcome this challenge, a steering committee should be formed and have membership from across the stakeholders, which will serve a cross-functional role in solving issues. In terms of incorrect assumptions, most limiting factors are usually not considered. For example, organizations presume that its activities in different locations will be supported by employees. However, disruptions that cause injuries or fatalities also lead to reluctance from the employees. However, when the BCP procedure is understood at the developing stage, it will elimina te the need of having to be amended when a disruption strikes the organization. The third challenge, from inappropriate approach, may be characterized by outsourced services from multiple providers (BSI, 2012). For instance, organizations operating from multiple locations my use services from different agencies in different locations, as much as the organization focuses on centralized management. This can be avoided by working with approaches based on services and products while assessing risks. Failure to implement these strategies means an organization will not be able to restore its critical services seamlessly following a disruption and may result in closure of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
Operations Management - Essay Example Market segmentation process involves the identification and grouping of similar needs of the market. Segmentation than helps the marketing team in devising better marketing plan for different groups and better satisfying their needs. Derby Castle is a historical monument of UK. The marketing team has the task of inviting attention of more and more people towards the interesting features of this castle so that they feel like visiting this monument again and again. This will help in good revenue generation and will help in the maintenance of this castle. It is highly likely that different set of people come here with different purposes. For example a team of school children would love to play in the sprawling green lawns the whole day while a research scholar will spend his day in studying the architecture and other historical features. Visitors to Derby Castle can be categorized as;â⬠¢Ã Researchers: This segment prefers to learn about the historical facts, architectural features etc. â⬠¢Ã Students: This segment too could be here on a learning mission or may just be here on a picnic tour. But the ââ¬Ëlearningââ¬â¢ needs of students are vastly different from ââ¬Ëresearchââ¬â¢ needs of researchers.â⬠¢Ã Art Lovers: This segment is more interested in the artistic features of Derby castle.â⬠¢Ã Young Couple: Youth desirous of spending some solitary moments in the company of their chosen ones can make use good use of the gardens of the Castle.General tourists happen to be on a sightseeing spree. For them attractive features i.e.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nokia Smart Smartphone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nokia Smart Smartphone - Essay Example Nokia Company Nokia is a mobile phone company whose headquarters are based in Finland. The company started in 1865 through innovative skills of an engineer named Fredrik Idestam. The company started from humble beginnings but tremendously grew over the years beating up political and market waves to become the largest mobile phone maker in the world. However, Nokiaââ¬â¢s market share has been declining over the years especially in the 21 century due to the emergence of touch screen phones and outstanding Smartphones from rival companies. This is a fact because statistics claim that in 2012, Nokia operated in 150 countries globally, with annual revenues of 30 billion pounds, and with a global market share of 18.0%, and 3.2 % market share in smart phones. More so, Fortune Global 500 claims that the companyââ¬â¢s position stood at 274th in 2013 in terms of revenue measurement, an indication that Nokiaââ¬â¢s market share is declining by the day. Nevertheless, Nokia is trying hard to improve its products and sales in order to retain its past market share. Among the strategies that the company has put forth is that it has teamed up with Microsoft Corporation in a way to add up strategy on mobile phone innovation and design. This combination has led to the development of Nokiaââ¬â¢s windows phones like the Nokia Lumia 920. The innovation of the product was a great development for the company but the brand did not successfully hit the market due to copying by other rival companies. Analysts claim that the reason why Nokia lags behind in terms of innovation is because it lacks adequate design thinking and that it is dependent to its partner Microsoft for innovative designs, which yields to lack of unique models (Hinrichs 2013, p. 11). This is a fact because Nokia has... This paper approves that the device also has a transparent and flexible screen that could be viewed at any angle without light interference and reflections. This feature also applies to diverse customers who deal with diverse tasks in their daily activities especially the outdoor activities. This means that the screen of the Smartphone will not be affected by reflections but rather will have an accurate colour, image contrast, picture quality and above all flexible readability. The screen is a major determiner on customer behaviour while purchasing phones will mean that flexible and readable screen will attract a vast range of customers because customers love the uniqueness of the products. This report makes a conclusion that product designing and creativity means that the company needs to intensively research on appropriate products that aligns with the changing trends because it latest smart phone design Nokia Lumia 525, has outstanding features but still do not possess the required uniqueness compared to other Smartphones. This means that the companyââ¬â¢s design team should research and borrow a piece from other leading companies like Appleââ¬â¢s design team whose product designing is unique and different from the rest and above all exactly befits customersââ¬â¢ needs. This seems to be the recommendable way for Nokia who holds a strong brand and outstanding customer loyalty because analysts claim that the company could experience more declines in revenue and market share if necessary innovations do not take place. Therefore, the ball lies on Nokiaââ¬â¢s executive team to implement necessary measures that will rejuvenate the company from its current downf all because the company has all the needed resources and capabilities to prosper and become a leader in the industry.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Castle Life in Medieval Times
Castle Life in Medieval Times The Medieval Times was an extremely rough era for many people. The people in Medieval Europe had to work outrageously hard. Those that were considered to be common people of this time lived in very poor housing with little to no luxuries, and those of nobility lived in castles. While castle life is believed to be extremely luxurious, residing in a castle during Medieval Times was very difficult. Castles have been a dominant symbol of the Medieval Era for many years and have been used throughout history, from the Roman forts to the complex structures in the 15th century (English 158). Castles were built on artificial hills surrounded by a moat. Those who built the castle would dig a ditch around where the castle would stand and put the dirt on it to make the artificial hill (Johnson 93). When castles were first built they were made mostly of wood (Castle Architecture). The reason for wood being mainly used in the construction of a castle was because wood was found easily in Europe, along with it being less expensive and easy to transport (Castles in the Middle Ages). The early castles also had layers of clay and stone, this was to ensure that castles were strong enough to hold up in a time of war (Johnson 93). However, castles soon were built with just stone because the wood was too flammable (Castle Architecture). Using stone actually worked out better because this made the castles stronger than before. However, it was harder to build the castles how they desired considering stone is less flexible than wood, and this dilemma resulted in the early castles being less elegant (Castles in the Middle Ages). Since stone is very strong, if the castle was to be damaged or destroyed the materials from the castle would be used to make a new castle or repair the current one (Castle Architecture). During the times of the Medieval Era, there were many changes in the way they did architecture to make castles stronger. Those who built the castles of the Medieval Time took the concept of arches from the Roman Empire and created a pointed arch to make the structure stronger. The change made the force of all the stones go down and out which locked the stones into place resulting in a very strong and beautiful castle, along with a strong foundation (Castles in the Middle Ages). When arriving to a castle, one would have to cross a moat and a drawbridge (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Some moats were filled with water and others filled with spikes (Johnson 94). Upon crossing the drawbridge one would come to a door which had towers on both sides (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Theses towers were used to watch for oncoming enemies or signs of rebellion, also these towers were used to shoot enemies that might be at the gate (Johnson 93). As one enters the castle the first sight would be the courtyard which is where those who live in the castle would be in times of war. Also, one would see the Great hall, the chapel, and the kitchens (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). The main part of the castle was the Great Hall (Thomas). This is where the Lord or King stayed when war was not present (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). The Great Hall was basically a big room with a loft ceiling. Sometimes the Hall was on the bottom floor, but for better security it was usually built on the second floor. This room was setup like a church will posts or pillars in rows supporting the roof. In order to get to the Great Hall on the second floor one would have to enter by using the outside staircase (Thomas). When under attack, the staircase would be removed to protect those in the castle (Johnson 93). Castles in the early part of the Medieval Era were very bulky and not pleasant for those who lived inside of the castle (Castles in the Middle Ages). The castle had small rooms, not including the Great Hall, heated only by fireplaces, and also had bad ventilation (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Eventually, the heating by fireplaces improved greatly the fireplaces were struc tured to heat the wall so that it could then warm the room and the smoke could be carried out (Thomas). The kitchen was nothing extravagant, it was made originally with wood and the food was cooked by several fireplaces. If there was going to be a big feast, extra kitchens would be setup for that feast. Today we clean utensils in the kitchen; however, in the Medieval Era utensils were not cleaned in the kitchen but outside (Thomas). The Lord and his family slept at the upper end of the Great Hall. Each bedroom usually was separated by a piece of fabric (Thomas). The bedrooms of the Lord and his family were called solars (Johnson 97). Sometimes, the Lord and his wife would have separate solars. Their rooms would have peepholes in the wall decorations so they could see what was going on in other rooms (Thomas). The grown children of the Lord did not always get their own solars; a lot of times they had to share rooms with siblings, or even servants (Johnson 94). The main items in a solar would be a wooden framed bed with springs made of ropes or leather, a feather mattress, sheets, quilts, fur coverlets, and pillows. The bed had curtains that could be pulled back in the day and closed at night for privacy and for protection from the cold. The remaining furniture in the room was a chest, a wooden peg to hang clothes, and a couple of stools (Thomas). Castles had a central drawing point of water for washing and drinking on about every floor (Thomas). Most castles also had cisterns which would catch the rainfall (Johnson 97). The cisterns would be connected to pipes and carry the water to other floors. There were also many other pipes that would control the flow of water and carry off the waste water. People of those times would use wooden tubs surrounded by tents, for protection, and padded cloths for comfort. The bathroom was as close to the sleeping quarters as it could be. In other words, it was an opening in the wall where waste would escape from the castle wall and secrete into a river or moat (Thomas). Castles were not only homes for nobility, but it was also a defense mechanism against enemies (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). During this time, it was also thought if an area did not have a castle, they were going to be defeated by their enemies. This pushed many areas to build castles (Coulson 31). The ideal location for a defensively strong castle was either on rocky ground, mountain passes, isolated peninsulas, lake islands, and hills (Castle Architecture). Wherever the castle was built, consideration was taken as to how the land would help defend the castle (Johnson 92). These castles were built in order to control territories and prevent people from taking over important parts of land (English 159). Also, they were built to protect the peasants and the economy. However, if the area was under attack, peasants were required to bring their animals and produce to the castle. In order for these things to be safe, it was also considered a payment for the communities protection (Johnson 92). The payment was somewhat deserved; it was very trying to live in a castle during times of war. Enemies would attempt to cut off water supply along with throwing things at the castle, such as, dead bodies. This would spread disease and force them to surrender (Medieval Life). While castles can be a place of protection, castles were considered to be home for many Lords and Kings. The Great Hall was where the Lord and his family would spend a large amount of time. This hall was a place where the family, along with those invited to the castle, enjoyed some of the things life had to offer like dancing, plays, poetry and many other things (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). The Great Hall was also where meals were eaten. In the hall there was a large, oak, dining table and around the table were benches and stools where the guests would sit (Medieval Castle Life). The Lord and his family would be seated at the head of the table on a raised dais. This symbolized that they were above everyone else (Life in a Medieval Castle: The Smells and Sights of Castle Life). The dinners in the hall would usually be at five in the afternoon. It was a popular saying in the Middle Ages that to live to the age of 99 years old, you have to wake up a t five, dine at nine, have supper at five and go to bed at nine! (Medieval Castle Life). Other than the banquets that would be held in the castle, there was not much to do inside but play chess, listen to music or jokes from the jester. Outside of the castle people would usually, hunt for deer, bears, and wild boars, however, the main activities were weapons training and fighting, so they could be ready for battle. This was thought to be a great game (Life in a Middle Ages Castle). Living during Medieval Times was a lot harder than living in todays society. Although life in a castle may not have been the most difficult life during Medieval Times, it was still not as luxurious as it is pictured to be. Protecting the community was the job of the castle and the job of those that lived in the castle, which was why castle life was a very harsh life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Cry Freedom :: essays research papers
Cry Freedom Cry freedom is a real life drama recorded as a movie. The movies main character is steve biko (played by the actor Denzel Washington), a man in his early thirties who has the ability to lead his people; the blacks againt the South African injustices. He’s most recognised point or view was „we don’t want to be forced into your society...I’m not going to be what you want me to be.'; Biko was able to show what apartheid has done when he meets a white journalist by the name of Donald Woods. He was a white who was strongly againts ‘supremacy’ as he beleived that it built a wall of hatred which infact apartheid was causing. Woods slowly gives awarness of the apartheid’s violent side through the submission of photographs of a ghetto being attack by South African police into the newspaper he is the editor of. At a sad note Biko is arrested on his way to a rally and is beaten to death in custody; the governmen announces he’s death as a ‘hunger strike’. Donald Woods is deeply outraged and shocked. He goes to see the body and takes photographs of the beaten body and plans to smuggle the photo’s out of the country which includes a plan of him diskized as a preast and the escape of his family. Before that he was placed on house arrest as Biko was through with his revolutionary era of speaches. My personal response to the apartheid issue is that im simply tottally against that because it cause discrimination and stronger racism. But I guess that strong racism within a certain community caused apartheid. The incidnts that were occuring in South Africa were absolutly discracfull to how a country was behaving in the eyes of the world. I believe that preventing South africa from participating from olympic and sporting events as well as trade relations was a very good initiative taken by world commitee’s. „Black deaths in custody'; ‘Black deaths in custody’ was a story presented by ABC’s four courners. The story is mainly about Aboriginal deaths in Western Australia during a period of 1980 to the 1990’s. As a reporter states at the beginning of the report a 17 year old aboriginal boy was killed by police officers as said but the case was seen as a sort of an accident. The local out rage by the aboriginal community was devastating; the pub was attacked with steel rods used for the local railway, then looted and futher more distroyed.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Business Plan for Beauty Products Company Essay -- Business Plan for C
Table of Contents Executive summary 2 The company 2 Company description 2 Vision statement 3 Mission statement 3 Objective 3 Company background 4 Product/ service and industry 4 Product/ service description 4 Industry description 5 The market 5 Market and target customer 5 Competition and competitive advantage 6 Marketing strategy 6 Overall strategy 7 Sales plan 7 Competitive plan 7 Research and development or growth plan 8 The organization 8 Legal and organizational structures 8 Key personnel 8 Related service providers 8 Location 9 The financials 9 Critical risks 9 Income statement 9 Cash flow projection 10 Balance sheet 10 Start- up costs 10 Assumptions 11 Schedule 11 Conclusion 11 References 13 The appendixes 15 Executive Summary Starting a business is a challenging undertaking that requires detailed planning and intensive research. The modern dynamic market and economic changes demand for the adoption of a well through of business plan that incorporates the entire business requirements (Pinson, 2004). The Paradise Beauty Centre will be a small enterprise that will focuses on the production and distribution of beauty products in United States of America. The business plan will help the business managers and other employees in understanding the long-term and immediate goals and objective of the business. The business plan will also be useful in facilitating the adoption of a strategy that will help the business prosper in the modern market. The plan will be a critical tool that will help in the production of a reliable strategy for attaining the goals and objectives. The proposed business plan will be implemented in three years time. Within the first three years, the business i... Millikan, E. (2001). Cosmetology, cosmetics, cosmeceuticals: definitions and regulations, Clinics in dermatology 1.(4) 371-374 Moore, M., (2012). Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government, Cambridge: Harvard University Pres Pinson, L. (2004). Anatomy of a Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing Your Companyââ¬â¢s Future. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Reshetnikov S., Wasser S., Duckman I., & Tsukor K. (2000). Medicinal value of the genus Tremella Pers. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 2 (3): 345ââ¬â67 Sullivan, A., & Steven M., (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hal Winter, R., (2005) A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients: Complete Information About the Harmful and Desirable Ingredients in Cosmetics. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press
Friday, October 11, 2019
Macroindividual Essay
I need to explain the uses, problem and critically examine the uses or problems with real life examples. Question 1 Briefly explain the uses of National Income Statistics. Comparison over Time According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), national income able to state the economyââ¬â¢s performance whether is progressing, stagnating or deteriorating on yearly basis from national income figures. For example like Singapore, their national income has improved steadily over the years which indicate that the country have a stable economy and high in productivity. As for economies in countries such as India, China, and Bangladesh are stagnating and should take action to increase their growth and development. However countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and some African countries have deteriorated in terms of economic performance. Comparisons between Countries Ali H. (1999) stated that we can differentiate the development and developing countries through national income. According to an international organization, OECD (Organization Economic Cooperation and Development) statistic, Singapore was the 13th richest country in the world. OECD is to tackle the country performance to estimate the country is developed or still developing. Countries such as Ethiopia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and most of the Asian states are the poorer nations. Measurement the Standard of Living According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), nationwide earnings information able to help us evaluate the quality lifestyle of individuals in different nations and the individuals residing in the same nations at different times. There is a correlation between national income and standard of living because when income is high, standards of living is high; when income is low, standards of living is low. For example countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have high national income and also high standards of living. However, as for the countries such as Ethiopia and Myanmar have low national income leads to low standards of living. Balance of Payment Ali H. (1999) stated that stability of transaction can be determine as the complete of expenses and invoices that a nation generates as result of transfer and trade worldwide with other nations. We can approximately calculate whether the nation will face lack or excess balance of transaction through the nationwide earnings data. There will be an output of forex from the nation and this will lead to disequilibrium in the complete amount of transaction if earnings paid overseas are far greater than earnings obtained overseas. National Planning According to Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010), national planning also knows as planning of each of the countries which based on the national income statistic, the government will formulate its short term and long term economic planning. In this case, Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair (2003) stated on the basis of present economic performance, the government will have to forecast future developments. This which if income increase, plans for the future will increase; same goes to if income decrease, plans for the future will decrease. This also important and why all the countries have to collate data on national income. Question 2 Discuss the problems involved in calculating the GNP per capita of an economy. Underground Economy Oââ¬â¢Sullivan A. , Sheffrin S. M. , and Perez S. J. (2012) stated that one of the significant problems from measured GDP is so-called underground economy where transactions are not reported to official authorities. According to Lipsey (1998), some transactions are perfectly legal, but for the people do not report their income that they have generated it is because they wanted to avoid paying taxes. For example plumber who repairs pipes leakages in the toilet and only receive payment by cash which is to avoid taxes and these transactions are not recorded so they are excluded from GDP. According to Tucker I. B. (2008), some transaction such as illegal gambling, illegal drugs, illegal guns prostitution, and loan-shark are goods and services that meets every requirement for GDP but GDP does not include unreported criminals activities. Nonmarket Activities According to Lipsey (1998), dealings that do not take position in the structured industry are also being disregards by GDP. For illustrations like solutions that individuals do for themselves in their own houses because these solutions are not moved through markets; this is so GDP statisticians cannot evaluate them. Tucker I. B. (2008) stated nonmarket activities that are not transferred though the markets such as homemaker production, do-it-yourself activities, childcare services, and voluntary work. Problem of Illiteracy Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. 2010) stated that problem of illiteracy most happen in third world countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, and many African nations which the people there do not know how to keep accounts of their productive activities. With this problem of illiteracy, the governments of these countries will have difficulties in getting information such as estimated value of home produced product. For example people there do not have knowledge on marketing and finance which makes them do not know the value of product they are selling. Problems of Expertise According to Vengedasalam D. nd Madhavan K. (2010), one of the major problems of developing countries is shortage of professionals. In order to measure the national income accurately, we need the professional services such as statisticians, analysts, programmers, researchers. With these professionals in the developing countries will be able to present the national income data accurately with less technical and human errors. For example if the country do not have programmer, they need to record the national income data in papers and there will be more human errors. Lack of Sophisticated Machinery Vengedasalam D. and Madhavan K. (2010) stated that technical aspect is as important as human factor. Technical aspect such as having sophisticated machinery is needed to compute data and information. For example, problems that developing countries like Indonesia and Peru are facing the problem of technical experts and technical equipment. There countries need this latest and advance machinery to compute massive volume of data. In the end, data that collected on national income need to be analyzed using sophisticated machinery regardless of which method is used. Question 3 Explain with examples whether you support its use as a measure of quality of life in a country. No, I do not support its uses as an evaluation of total well-being in a nation. The factors as follows: Problem of Illiteracy Third world countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, India, and many African nation facing this problems in which the people there do not know how to keep accounts of their productive activities. For example, Memon G. R. (2007) stated Pakistan has one of the smallest expenses of details on the globe, and the smallest among nations of relative resources and public or financial conditions. With a per close relatives earnings of over $450 Pakistan has an older details amount of 49%, while both Vietnam and Local Indian native with less per close relatives earnings have details expenses of 94% and 52%, respectively (Human Development Middle, 1998). Knowledge is greater in places and in the areas of Sindh and Punjab, among the greater earnings group, and in men. Nonmarket Activities According to Shaheen S. , Sial M. H. , Awan M. S. (2011), womanââ¬â¢s option about contribution in work market is of crucial importance in determining living standard, dependency stress and saving design in homes. Women signify about half of the people in this country in Pakistan. But in Pakistan mostly femaleââ¬â¢s execute happens in non-market activities in the home or the informal market. In recent past women contribution in modern market activities has been increasing. Factors determining the profession of women are extremely complex. At the individual level femaleââ¬â¢s option to execute is topic to such factors as the availability to projects, knowledge level and skills. Underground Economy One of the problems from measured GDP is so-called underground economy where transactions are not reported to official authorities. According to Schneider F. and Enste D. H. (2000), the results from eight nations in African-american are revealed, among these, Nigeria and The red sea have the biggest subterranean financial systems with 76 % and 68 % of GDP; Mauritius has the tiniest subterranean economic system with 20 %. Implementing the forex requirement strategy, Tanzania had a subterranean economic system of 31 % (of GDP) in 1989ââ¬â90, and Southern African-american, 9 % in 1989 to 1990. The position of the size the subterranean financial systems for the Africa nations is reinforced by identical results and historical proof from Pozo (1996); Lawrence Chickering and Muhamed Salahdine (1991); and Lubell (1991). Conclusion I have explained the uses and problems. I have also examined the problems with real life examples.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Safe use of ICT in a Business environment
* Make sure all employees' adopt the correct posture and have an adequate lower back support. This reduces the risk of tension strain headaches and musculoskeletal problems like neck pain, Chronic back pain and upper limb disorders such as Repetitive Strain Injury. ââ¬â Repetitive Strain Injury can be stopped by using a wrist support along with an ergonomic keyboard, and keeping forearm's horizontal. * Make sure all employees' take regular breaks from their computers. This reduces the danger of eye strain, headaches and discomfort. ââ¬â This can be reduced by making sure eyes are level with the monitor and making sure there is good background lighting and a monitor filter to reduce glare. * All employees' should get regular eye sight checks. This reduces the danger of deteriorating eye sight. ââ¬â This can be reduced my making sure that the company pays for regular eye sight checks. The employee must go to the appointment and get the treatments provided. * Make sure all employees' have the correct positioning of equipment. This can reduce the danger of eye strain, headaches and discomfort. ââ¬â Make sure the computer monitor is positioned away from the direct sunlight to reduce glare. Make sure the keyboard is not too far away, or too close, so there is no discomfort of the wrists/hands. Protecting Physical Safety * Make sure there are no trip hazards, e.g. trailing cables. This can reduce the danger of employees' tripping and harming themselves. ââ¬â This can be reduced by taping cables to the wall or keeping wires in wire surrounds on the wall. * Make sure the electrical safety is upheld, e.g. electric checks (PAT), no water by the machines, not overloading sockets. This can reduce the danger of being electrocuted by the computers. ââ¬â This can be reduced by making sure the company has regular electric checks, make sure no employees' take water near the machines, and make sure the sockets are not * Make sure there is safety equipment to avoid machinery falling. This can reduce the danger of employees' getting hurt by falling equipment. ââ¬â This can be reduced by regularly checking the safety equipment and replacing it when needed. * Make sure employees' observe the Health and Safety rules. This can reduce the danger of injuries and the company being sued. ââ¬â This can be reduced by telling employees' the Health and Safety rules and keeping them in sight for everyone to see. Protecting Flies from Loss * Organising Files. Make sure that the Files are organised e.g. meaningful file/folder names, Structuring files. ââ¬â This makes sure that file/folder names are not forgotten and where the file/folder is isn't forgotten. * Backup strategies. Files should be backed up and frequently checked to make sure that they have not been tampered with. ââ¬â This makes sure that files are not lost if they are accidentally deleted or lost somehow. Protecting files from unauthorised access Passwords * Passwords to open files. ââ¬â This makes sure that no-one that is not authorised can open files. * Passwords to Modify documents/files. ââ¬â This makes sure that no-one that is not authorised can modify files. * Passwords to protect the contents of the Documents. ââ¬â This makes sure that no-one can delete all the contents of documents, or steal all the contents. * Choose a STRONG Password ââ¬â Choosing a strong password is essential. If a weak password is chosen, then there is next-to-no point having a password because it can be easily hacked. Use numbers, uppercase letters, mixed with lowercase letters, and mixed with symbols. This will make your password strong, and VERY hard to crack!
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Guided Reading Essay
What is the typical organization of an argument essay? An introduction that states the issue then an objective summary of the opposing views followed by a point-by-point discussion of their limitations. Then a summary of your viewpoint with a point-by-point discussion that strengthens your position, and then lastly a conclusion. What are points of contention and how do you identify them? The points of contention are the two to five most important issues on which you disagree with the other side. The best way to figure these out is brainstorming, try to see things from their perspective. Why is it important to know the stance of your opposition? You need to know what you are trying to argue so you can identify your strengths and weaknesses of your position and to be able to build your case against the opposing viewpoints. What is the difference between argument and research writing? An argumentative essay is more subjective and usually controversial where you are trying to prove that one side is better than the other. A research paper is presenting facts about a topic. Chapter 24 What is a good way to start the research process? Define your research question, develop a working thesis, devise a research plan, collect sources, assess the reliability of each source, triangulate facts among the sources, determine whether facts verify working thesis, and lastly either accept or modify working thesis. Why is it important to have a sharp research question? It will help you narrow the scope of your research thus saving you time and effort by allowing you to target the best of sources and information. What is a working thesis? How is this used in research? Defining your research question or hypothesis. It is your best guess about how you will answer your research question, it is your overall claim aboutà your topic. What are the key elements of a research plan? Why is it necessary for researchers to have a research plan? Research question, working thesis, results of start-up research, description of electronic, online, print, and empirical sources available, schedule of conducting and completing the research, and a bibliography are key elements of a research plan. Having a research plan helps to better target sources and the streamline your research. When conducting research where should writers go for reliable information? Surf the Internet, look through online encyclopedias, and browse your libraryââ¬â¢s catalog. How do writers know whether a source is credible? Use the Internet to search for the backgrounds and expertise of the author and publisher to make sure they are trustworthy. If you find questionable credentials or reputations use something more reliable instead. What is bias and how can researchers overcome it? Putting your own ideas and opinions into your research where it seems like you want the information to be true rather than right. If you know what your biases are then you can use them to gain a richer understanding of your topic. How do researchers determine whether a resource is up to date? Depending on your topic and how quickly information in that field becomes obsolete. Medical information is usually outdated in a few years where something like geology doesnââ¬â¢t really change so decadeââ¬â¢s old info can be used. List three steps for setting up a research schedule. List all the tasks you need to complete, set a deadline for finishing your research, drafting, designing, and revising, then work backwards form your research deadline on which task needs to be completed. What are some reasons why a researcher would have to modify his or her research plan? Roadblocks to research, ideas, and information that changes your research question or working thesis.
Ethical Issues in Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Issues in Information Systems - Essay Example The issue has also posed a problem of accountability for the consequences of information systems and set standards to safeguard system quality. The extensive use of internet technology has posed new challenges for the safeguarding of individual privacy. Information set over the vast network may have to go through many different computer systems prior to reaching the intended recipient. Each of the systems can monitor, capture, and store the information that go through it. The new technologies can allow a person to record all online activities and Internet usage of employees, customers (both potential and existing), and the general mass around the globe. In most cases, the people do not know that their activities are carefully monitored (Zhang, 2011). The organizations can use cookies, web bugs, spyware and other intrusive software to spy on people (Williams, 2002). The U.S. has allowed organizations to collect transaction information via systems for the sole purpose of marketing. However, user privacy during interaction with websites needs protection. Thus, technical solutions exist for this purpose. Many specialized tools offer encryption of email and surfing activities to make the online activities anonymous. Others allow the client computers to reject cookies. Still, other devices detect and eliminate spyware. Some tools also help users to determine the type of personal data that websites can extract. The technological tools are helpful since they ensure that personal data of the user does not leak all over the network. Modern information systems have challenged current laws and social properties that safeguard private intellectual property. According to Williams (20020, it is because ill-intentioned persons can easily copy and distribute computerized information. Unlike physical media (like books, CDs, and journals), digital media is easy to replicate, transmit,
Monday, October 7, 2019
Senior Project - Team Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Senior Project - Team Contract - Essay Example The deadline for turning in the work should be set well before the final deadline so that any changes that need to be made can be accomplished. The best case scenario would be to see that all components are turned in at least two days before the deadline so that the work can be assessed for its value by all of the members of the team. By creating this deadline, the group can ensure that there is enough time for all aspects of the project to be perfected after evaluations by each member. If a member does not turn in their work by the team deadline it will give the team time to compensate for this problem. Lack of participation will be incorporated into the notes that will be made on the overall project and reported according to the guidelines that are provided for the project. Team leadership will be selected according to a group discussion. However, the best teams are not divided by leadership, but by responsibilities. Therefore, the team leader will have the responsibility of making sure that all aspects of the project are in on time, but will not be given the powers to rule over issues that occur during the project nor be given the power to veto aspects of the project. The goal will be to work as a team in such a way as to encourage the strengths of each team member and compensate for any weakness. The team leader will organize the details of the project, but will not have the power to control the project. This should be a collaborative effort, rather than ruled by a dictator. Section III In order to deal with team conflict, it will be necessary to put into place a way to negate any disagreements on how the team should progress towards its goals. Conflicts can occur due to a number of different problems that might arise during the project. Seeing the project through different ideas will be the first potential problem. A team vote on how to focus the project from the beginning will help to negate this potential problem. Making sure that all members are on boar d and agree on how the project should proceed will be the best way to prevent problems from the beginning. A second problem that might arise involves the issues of strengths and weaknesses. Before tasks are given to each of the members, it is important that each member identifies which parts of the project will give them the best opportunity to excel and which aspects are representatives of weaknesses. Creating a chart that identifies all tasks and allowing members to identify their strengths and weaknesses will assist in giving responsibilities and in balancing out where weaknesses are shown. The team agrees to handle all conflicts through mature and reasonable methods of communications. The team agrees that it will not argue, but discuss any disagreements on the project and that it will be necessary to sometimes deal with conflicts that arise. Through a recognition that the potential for a disagreement exists, it is clear that the project members are willing to work through any pr oblems that might come to light. As disagreements come to light, the differing sides of the problem will be discussed through breaking down each element of the disagreement, assessing which portions are similar and which elements require a decision or
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Organizational Design & Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organizational Design & Behavior - Essay Example In situations wherein the crowding increases in the jails it may be difficult to oversee the system as a whole. As such it becomes necessary that a comprehensive review and overhaul of the complete organizational set up of the countryââ¬â¢s criminal justice system is performed in order to correctly assess the situation and suggest changes that can offer more viable solutions. A closer look at the existing system will indicate that it is managed in relatively more complex manner as there are many layers of management. Multiple layers of management therefore create strong chances that the overall fixation of responsibilities and accountabilities remain a challenge. In order to overcome the situation and deal with the overcrowding problem, it is therefore necessary that the organizational restructuring is done. In order to overcome the situation, it is important that a comprehensive overhaul of the existing organizational set up is undertaken. The current system is multi-layered in nature it is therefore important that few layers are removed in order to make the system leaner and more flexible to adapt to the different challenges including that of over-crowding. It is important that the number of correctional institutions must be increased in order to successfully negotiate with the over-crowding problems. Increasing the number of institutions will therefore allow the country to develop a system which can accommodate the unexpected number of new entrants and as such can manage the overcrowding problem with relative ease and with minimum management burden. It is important that number of correctional programs shall be increased so that the recurring incidences do not take place. Proper and more adaptive correctional programs may help the jail inhabitants to become more responsible and mature citizens and do not engage themselves into kind of activities which can bring them back into the jails for minor or major crimes. The above
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6
Project management - Essay Example According to Quinn a company should first of all define and map the various types of development projects. The management in Musimax will have to invest in the commercial and research development projects. So the management will have to put in place cost reduced versions of the existing products. The management will also have to set aside funds for research so as to create the know-how and know-why of new technologies and materials that will eventually lead into development of these products (Quinn, 1985). Q2) .If the management actually want to cut costs by 40% in the next two months it should focus on the following solutions which will be beneficial. According to Macgregor and Carlisle, the management should stop making all the operating decisions for themselves. Instead the management should hold weekly meetings with its subordinates and be informed of what they are doing and how they are dealing with arising issues. Using the above it will be easier to appraise their managerial and technical abilities. Actually this will make them know how to solve problems on their own and it will help save time and thus the company will generate more income probably in less than two months. The other project that the management should focus on in order to cut down costs is always train their employees and making the workplace a learning environment. According to Macgregor when employees are well equipped with knowledge then they will be able to solve problems quickly and thus avoid wastage of ti me. They will also be willing to assist other employees when there arises a problem since this will eventually be beneficial to them. It will help a lot especially when there are vacancies they will be the appropriate candidates to fill the gap instead of wasting money looking for new staff. If the management promotes it own existing staff to fill certain vacancies then it will save a lot on advertisement costs and all the costs required in employment of
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